11150 South 300 East, Sandy, UT 84070

Minutes – January 28, 2021

Canyons Transition Academy PTSA Meeting
January 28, 2021 5:00pm
Held via Zoom

In Attendance: Nate Edvalson (PTSA Administration VP), Betty Shaw (PTSA President), Brooke D’Sousa (PTSA Legislative VP),  Brooke Heumann (PTSA Teacher VP), Julie Moore (PTSA Secretary), Chris Gardner (PTSA President Elect) via phone

Excused: DeeAnn Pratt (Student Relations VP), Kimberly Garrard (PTSA Treasurer)

Welcome and thought by Betty Shaw

The agenda for the meeting was emailed to board members.  A motion to approve the agenda was made by Julie Moore and Brooke D’Sousa seconded the motion. The agenda was then approved unanimously.

Minutes from the November 19, 2020 board meeting were emailed to board members.  A motion to approve the minutes was made by Brooke D’Sousa and Brooke Heumann seconded the motion.  The minutes were then approved unanimously.

Due to Kim Garrard’s absence, Betty reported that the only new activity was a recent deposit made for $15.38 which included 2 new memberships and a sales tax refund.  Kimberly Garrard will give the Treasurer’s Report next month.

A discussion followed about providing dinners at Parent Teacher Conferences which will be held February 23 and 24th.  It was decided that dinner would be brought in on Tuesday, February 23 at 3:30 for teachers and staff.  Brooke Heumann was asked to get a count and talk with the teachers about preferences for food.  Brooke H. will email the number of dinners needed as well as suggestions for meals.

The Nominating Committee for next year’s PTSA board was then discussed.  Currently on the committee are Pam Hansen and Julie Moore and Chris Gardner agreed to also be on the committee.  Betty moved that Pam Hansen, Julie Moore, and Chris Gardner comprise the Nominating Committee.  Nate Edvalson seconded the motion.  The motion was approved unanimously.  Brooke D’Sousa volunteered as an alternate to the committee.  DeeAnn Pratt was texted and asked if she would also be an alternate and she agreed.

Positions needing to be filled next year are:  President Elect, Treasurer, Secretary, Legislative VP and Student Relations VP.  All members of the committee and board need to be members of the CTA PTSA.  Betty emailed a list of all current PTSA members.  Betty will have a Nominating Committee meeting to elect a Committee Chair then she will let the committee meet and make suggested position nominations. The deadline for nominations is February 23, 2021 at 5:00 pm.

Betty reported that she gathered $100 for 20 new PTSA memberships.  This would give us a total of 54 members.  Betty needs names of 20 people who want to join the PTSA then Betty will add their names to Member hub. Nate was asked to send an email out to the CTA community encouraging membership in the PTSA.  Each member is encouraged to get 2 new PTSA memberships.

There will be no field trips for the remainder of the 20-21 school year.

Fundraising plans include getting donations from Lowes for $100 and Home Depot for $50 to use for supplies for the students to make items and sell them at a craft fair.  Students from the Crew Shop sell items every month upstairs.  The next planned date for craft sales is the second week in February.

Betty is looking for donations from other people as well until future fundraising can be determined which can be used to help staff with specialized items they are in need of.  There are also grants that can be applied for.  Betty suggested we may want to partner with Jordan Valley next year for a boutique.  The suggestion was made to send items home with students that they could make for a Spring fundraiser or online boutique.  Betty will talk with Denise at the foundation to see what would work.

Betty would still like to see a Student Council Committee meeting getting set up in the near future.

There are times set up for Virtual Days @ the Capitol.  Times are after school so the students can participate.  All meetings are online and no charge.  Nate will send out the information to students after Betty sends Nate the information.

For the year end Memory Books, Nate would like to involve Jeff Olsen who is a Graphic Designer in the Canyons District’s Office of Communications.  Chris Gardner and Nate agreed to work together with Jeff to figure out what can be done for the Memory Books.

The next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, February 23 at 5:00 pm via Zoom since teachers will already be at the school for Parent/Teacher Conferences.

Betty would like to have everyone start thinking about teacher appreciation gifts.

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Brooke D’Sousa and the meeting was adjourned at 5:36 pm.

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